Very Good: Light staining on back and top.
What is the secret to personal financial success? Why does one person do so well at accumulating wealth while another proves to be so inept lurching from one financial crisis to another? Does the key lie in better education, working harder or simply dumb luck? Most importantly, what can each of us learn from Canada's wealthiest people in these changing times, when all of the familiar sign posts seem to be disappearing and when Canadians are becoming increasingly concerned about their financial welfare?
To assist Canadians in improving their financial security, J. White and Associates, in conjunction with NCE Resources Group and Dun And Bradstreet, launched a national study of the financial behavior and investing habits of Canadas wealthiest people.
Not only does this book contain the results of this study, but Jerry White distills the information into a unique and workable financial strategy that is applicable to the average Canadian.
Published by: Warwick Publishing